Module 3 : The Leraning Theories And The Models Of Learning

                                                         (Source : Google Image)

            In this module, i choose the audio-visual view. The audio-visual view means possesing both a sound and a visual component, such as slide-tape presesntations, films, television pograms, church services and live theater productions. Audiovisual service provides frequently offer web streaming, video conferencing and live broadcast services. Computer-based audiovisual equipment is often used in education, with many schools and universities installing projection equipment and using interactive whiteboard technology. Another audiovisual expression is the visual presentation of sound is visual music. Theories give us perspective, theories is like a windows in the house. Here are three different perspective, the first is behaviourism mind a black box putting in behaviour learning is regular, expected responses. Meanwhile, instruction is repetition and reinforement and that is how its help people learn to practice makes perfect. Second is congnitivism by mind as computer. Learning is also recall os stored transformation as we know learning has a court. Theories is helping students by the storage as a long term memory and help to instruction. Instruction is grab atteen and help storage recalled. The third perspective is constructivism that mind as rhizome. Rhizome is interconnected  nodes. Learning is also building knowledge by doing hands on learning and instruction is guiding problem solving responsible for guiding each perspective help us develop theories. It also have two major theories, we have descriptive theories. Descriptive theories means is help students to understand and answer the questions. Second major theories is learning theory is attempts to describe what learning is. The third perspective theory is how do we help people learn that give us instructional theory methods to foster learning.
          Next is behavioural theory. Behavioural theory as behaviourist psychology is an attempt to model the study of human behaviour on the methods of the physical sciences, and therefore concentrates attention on those aspects of behaviour that are capable of direct observation and measurement. Nevertheless behaviourists have demonstrated in labs that it is possible to reinforce through reward or punishment the association between any particular stimulus or event and a particular behavioural response. This is essentially the concepts of operant conditioning, a principle most clearly developed by skinner. Furthermore, inapproriate or previously learned behaviour could be extinguished by withdrawing reinforcement. Reinforcement in humans can be quite simple, such as immediate feedback for an activity or getting a correct answer to a multiple-choice test.
          Thirdly, constructivist theory is led by the ideas of Jean Piaget and his theorist of the four childhood stages of development. The theories of constructivism are founded on the belief that " the child, at first directly assimilating the external environment to his own activity, later, in order to schemata which are both more mobile and better able to intercoordinates"(Piaget, 1955). It is more difficult to define examples of constructivism historically in educational practices that would qualify as being more constructivist in nature. These examples range from projects arranged by educators to have students learning by discovering on their own, to the simple daily activity of letting students interact with other students and learning a variety of lessons just throught this interaction. Teachers have been facilitating these educational events for long time that is not easily defined.
          The models of learning have two it is the social family and the personal family. For the social family is this group of methods aims at building learning communities and purports to develop productive ways of interacting in a democratic setting. These models also emphasize that human learning occurs in social settings and through modeled behaviours and social exchanges. The Schaftel's Role Playing Model is one of the more popular models in this group. Examples of social learning is partners in learning, group investigation, role playing and jurisprudential inquiry. Lastly, the personal family. Personal source, this group of approaches acknowledges the uniqueness of each learner. Methods in this category foster the importance of individuals in creating, direacting and structuring personal meaning. Also models in this area are often targeted to foster things like self-esteen, self-efficacy, emotional and personal understanding and accptance. Carl Roger's Non-directive Teaching Model would be a good example for this group. For examples, non-directive teaching or learning, enhancing self-learning, classroom meeting, synectics and awareness training.
        In conclusion, module 3 is the best ways to students more understand about the social family and about the personal familys.


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