Module 4: TPACK, ADDIE, SAMR and 5E instructional models.
We have understood for a long time that expert teachers are those who are bring together their deep knowledge of subject matter with profound understanding of what is good for learning. The combination has been described as Pedagogical Content Knowledge(PCK) and is more than the simple addition of two parts. The fusion is what enable expert 21st centuary teachers to transform subject content and represent it in ways that made it accessible to individual learners in their specific contexts. Expert teachers now are those who can bring together knowledge of subject matter, what is good for learning, and teaching. The expertise emboided in the TPACK of a teacher is different from the knowledge of a discipline expert. Teaching mathematics to year5 learner requires different pedagogical uses of ict than teaching history in secondary school or literacy in the early years. In each case, the experts teachers needs to make creative links between what is being learned, how it is taught and the appropriate tools which is tools.
(Source: Google Image)ADDIE is an instructional systems design framework that many instructional designer and training developers use to develop course. The name is an acronym for the five phases it defines for building traning and performance support like analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. Most current ISD models are variations of the ADDIE process. Other models include the Dick and Carey and Kemp ISD models. Rapid prototyping is another common alternative. Instructional theories are important in instructional materials design. These include behaviourism, constructivism, social learning and cognitivism.
(Source: Google Image)
The SAMR model is powerful because it enables us to think about how learning can be extended through the use of technology. I have summarised the four stages of the SAMR model. Firstly, substitution. Substitution is technology acts as a direct tool substitution, with no functional change. For example, students may type up notes on a word processor instead of writing by hand in an exercise book. Secondly, Augmentation. Augmentation is technology still acts as a direct tool substitute, but with functional improvements. Taking the example of typing on a word processor, augmentation means that the learning process can become more efficent and engaging. Thirdly, modification by this stage technology not only enhances the learning activity, it also significantly transforms it. An example might be students setting up a blog which they open up their work to a worldwide audience. The blog means that students are much more accountable for the work to worldwide audience. Lastly, redifination is this level requires the teachers to think about learning the activities that were previously inconceivable without the use of the technology. This could be for instance, a Google Hangout session thats takes places between students from different countries in real-time.
5E instructional model is about the widely established 5E instructional teaching sequence, which includes the progressive stages engage, explore, explain, elaborate and evaluate is helpful for informing the design of science programs, units and lessons. However, it important to pose the question, does their current incarnation actually work to support the next generation science standards and deepen STEM learning in our students or does it require adaptation to best serve NGSS. The 5e are an instructional model encompassing the phase engage, explore, explain, elaborate and evaluate step which educators have traditionally taught students to move through in phases.
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